Sunday, June 28, 2009

A bright spot in the abysmal domestic auto market

I'm posting this for me, because the three people who read my blog probably won't care, but Ford is doing some awesome things these days.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Everything is amazing, nobody is happy.....

This is another funny clip about our times. It's been bouncing around for the last couple weeks, and I liked it so much that I had to add it. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

If you can't afford it...

As part of a lesson on listening to the Prophet's counsel, my institute teacher showed this video clip in class yesterday. Yes, it does seem strange that a clip from Saturday Night Live should find its way into a gospel discussion, but it is totally appropriate. Given the current economic condition of our country, I say that this is social commentary at its finest. It is funny (and rare) to see the world in such harmony with the teachings of the Prophets.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Wonderful Video

The Church has a YouTube channel called MormonMessages. It is a wonderful place to spend some time. There are a handful of videos, each only a couple of minutes long. I highly recommend it. The channel can be found here:

Here is one of my favorites:

Monday, February 2, 2009

Be Grateful for What You Have

This is a thought-provoking little clip that I came across. If you want to see it full size, click on the link below.

If the world had 100 people in it. from John Chow on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Watch the Walmart army spread across the U.S.

This is cool to watch, even if it is just to marvel at what you can do with some mapping software. If you want to see a bigger map, go here